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 Founded in 2003

Since 2003, DB Holdings, a Korean group of operational entities has been servicing the Shipbuilding and Marine Industry in Korea and the International market. From 2010, the Group increasingly developed its Middle East presence with growing track records in Offshore T&I, Decommissioning, and Salvage work. Alongside its regional office in Dubai, UAE, it has several operational centers in strategic locations in the area. In 2017, to deliver greater commitment to its expanding International Customer portfolio, the Group consolidated its operations branding as DB Group.


Vision & Mission

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Our planet is covered by more than 70% ocean which we need to protect and look after. The world marine energy sources mix fas transition towards 30% clean technology, recycles and renewable energy objectives in the next decade.

We are 100% committed to delivering beyond goals in our growing Offshore & Marine energy market:

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Message from DB Group

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Dear Customers and Partners,

DB Group was established to provide more efficient and economical service in a petrochemical plant, Offshore EPCIC, Offshore Installation & Operation, Onshore Oil & LNG terminal Plant and Specialized commissioning service with cleaning & pressure equipment rental services.


DB Group has been grown up remarkably by our special know-how in this field. First of all, we equip several cut edge equipment which enables us to provide more customized service to meet customer's different and special request these days.

We, moreover, have the proven experience on both onshore and offshore, with those successes both domestically and internationally, we will continue to strive for technology and service innovation to satisfy our customers.

Our tireless efforts will never abate until we become a leading global company.

We sincerely invite clients to visit us and see what we can do for our clients and thanks for clients continuous support.

The Greatest Commitment,

Delivered Beyond Goals.

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